Resolvion Insights
At Resolvion, we believe that an important part of our role is to provide our clients with insights into current issues and best practices. To that end, we write articles, sponsor research, survey best practices, and host industry events. Visit this section of our site regularly for updates.
Best Practices in Repossession Management: Insights from Leading Lenders
As one of the nation’s largest repossession management firms, we collaborate with many of the major auto lenders, giving us a comprehensive view of a wide range of repossession strategies. Among leading lenders, repossession strategies are refined continuously to optimize outcomes. In contrast, some lenders maintain less effective strategies, which is often evident in their…
LPR Staging – Faster Recoveries, Higher Yields and Lower Costs
Over the past several years, the use of LPR technology has had a huge impact on auto recovery rates. As the use of LPR has grown, lenders, forwarders and agents have gotten progressively better in using the data to improve performance and efficiency. However, there is still one strategy for optimizing the use of…
22 Repo Industry Statistics, Trends & Analysis
Article from: The repo industry is involved in the business of repossession. When consumers default on a loan, such as a car loan, then a lien on that item can be activated. The consumer can be ordered to turn the product over because of the lien. Most owners refuse to do so. That’s…
Utilization of Impound Services – Survey of Lender Practices
Sponsored by: LinkedIn Group “Lenders Repossession Best Practices Forum” Powered by: ALS Resolvion We asked over 3000 auto finance and lending professionals to participate in a quick survey about impound services and how it’s used for repossessions. We’ve complied the results and hope you find it very interesting. The responses are segmented by institution…
Managing Risk: Understanding Your Service Providers’ Insurance Coverages
There are few actions that a lender takes that has more potential for legal claims than a vehicle or collateral repossession. Ensuring that your service providers have the right types and amounts of insurance coverage is critical to managing the risk. While your contracts may be clear that the service provider indemnifies your institution in…
Repo Assignment Management Strategy – A Summary of Best Practices
As one of the largest repossession management firms in the country, we work with most of the largest auto lenders in the country. Doing so has given us deep insight into the strategies deployed by different lenders. With many leading lenders, this strategy has been highly refined over the years and is constantly being tweaked…
Workers Comp. Coverage – Your Repo Agents Need It Even If the State Says They Don’t
“Repo Man Attacked With a Shovel” “Car Owner Attacks Tow Truck Driver Trying to Repo Vehicle” “In-Car Video Helps in Arrest of Man Who held Agent at Gunpoint” “Pair Accused of Assaulting Repo Agent with Box Cutter” These are just a few of the recent headlines documenting violent attacks on repossession agents in recent…